Profession eSports coach

The New Profession Coach of Gamers

The popularity of video games creates new career opportunities.

Video games are a huge industry that is already significantly larger than the film industry. In comparison, the game GTA V has brought its creators more than 6 billion in revenue since 2013 and continues to earn. It’s more than any movie, and it’s actually the most lucrative multimedia title of its kind in history.

There are many other games that are of great interest. Many of them organize tournaments, including at a professional level. And all this creates new professions. Among them is a coach of gamers.

One of them is Troy Hanson, who paid for his college education in California by teaching Fortnite Battle Royale. Hanson trains beginners and advanced players by giving them personalized lessons. They include both basic things for the game and tricks and strategies for winning. Hanson says it’s not just professional gamers who are looking for his services. There are also many amateurs who just want to improve their performance and have fun.

In practice, hiring a gaming coach is not much different from working with a fitness instructor or a sports coach. First, an analysis of the trainees’ abilities is made, then the goals are determined and a plan is prepared. Hanson adds that the training itself is largely similar. One of the most important elements is regular training and many repetitions, so that what is learned can not only be remembered, but also worked out and turned into a habit and reflex.

Hanson estimates that he spends between 50 and 60 hours a week in lessons, with a standard fee of 13 an hour. What’s more, Hanson says most of his students are children 12 and younger, and the lessons are paid for by the parents. They see games not only as a means of entertainment, but also as tools and hobbies for character building, like the classic guitar or sports lessons over the years.

“4-5 years ago, playing computer games was perceived as a pastime for congestion. Now it’s cool and attracts a growing audience.”

says Hanson

Apart from being a hobby, many people see in gaming the potential for a decent income from streaming or playing in tournaments. There are already many platforms that help experienced gamers to offer their coaching services and find students.

The trend is definitely interesting and shows how much the world is changing because of technology. Including creating an opportunity to earn a living by playing games all day.